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Monday, April 08, 2013

Spam Saves The Day

More spam please! (h/t John: news item from 2011):
According to Russian security sources, the attack was supposed to be carried out by an unnamed woman, believed to be part of a radical Islamist terror group. The woman reportedly planned to strap a bomb to herself, and blow herself up in the middle of a crowded Moscow square on New Year's Eve. Like many other devices used in suicide bomb attacks, the explosives attached to this particular bomber were designed to detonate in response to a text message. The woman was to walk into the square, place herself in a crowded area, and wait for one of her accomplices to send the text that would blow her up. The only problem, though, was that she forgot to turn off her phone.

A few hours before the planned attack, her mobile provider sent her an unsolicited 'Happy New Year' text, and, just like that, the 'Black Widow' bomber was blown to pieces. At the time of the explosion, she was getting ready for the operation at a safe house, with two other accomplices -- both of whom survived the attack, and immediately fled the scene. Police have yet to identify the bomber, but she is believed to be affiliated with the same extremist group that attacked Moscow's Domodedovo airport on Monday.

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