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Friday, April 05, 2013

Look, New Mexico's Climate CAN Just Go Ahead And Do Its Own Thang!

Is this why the Climate Skeptics suddenly are interested in New Mexico climate?:
A paper published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology reconstructs climate change in central New Mexico, USA over the past 12,800 years and finds mean annual temperatures were ~1°C warmer than the present during the Roman Warming Period 2,000 years ago, the Medieval Warming Period 1,000 years ago, as well as during other unnamed warming periods in the past. The paper also shows cold periods were relatively wet, and warm periods relatively dry, the opposite of the claims of climate alarmists.
Look, New Mexico has an semi-arid climate, and arid climates of all types, no matter where they are located on the Earth, tend towards extremes. Right now, New Mexico is locked into an arid phase that even the rest of the drought-sensitive southern half of the United States or northern Mexico can't match. I wouldn't put much stock into Global Climate trends based just on what New Mexico is doing, because New Mexico's climate is a willful thang, and it's gonna do just what it's gonna do!

In any event, it seems likely to me that New Mexico's precipitation is usually negatively correlated to temperature because it is most sensitive to the location of the jet stream. A northern jet stream usually means warmer temperatures and less rain, and vice-versa. But it doesn't always have to be the case or the only factor. There is no reason why tropical ocean temperatures can't play a part too, particularly off the western coast of Baja California or the northwest Gulf of Mexico.  And these days New Mexico's climate is both warming, and, over the last century, getting a bit wetter too.  So, too, is Arizona's climate.  What is to blame for that?  Could it be ...... oooooohhhhwwwweeeeeeeooooo .... Global Warming?

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