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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"It's In The Family Bear!"

(Life at 1:30 a.m., in a Sacramento back yard.)

M.: Quick! Animal!

E.: Where?

M.: There, on the fence.

E.: Eeeeeeeeeeee! MMMMAAAARRRRCCCC! It's a raccoon!

M.: He's disappearing into the ivy! Is he on this side of the fence, or did he go into the yard next door?

E.: MMMMAAARRRRCCCC! Get away from there! It's a wild animal! It's in the Family Bear! It will jump on you and eat your face off!

M.: (Poking a rake handle into the ivy) Maybe he's over here?

E.: MMMMAAAAARRRRRRCCCCCC! YOU'RE CRAZY! It's in the Family Bear! It's in the Family Bear! I'm going inside. It's in the Family Bear! IT'S IN THE FAMILY BEAR!

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