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Monday, April 29, 2013

I Wish My Molar Was Indestructible

When departure from the norm is a bad sign. After lots of drilling this morning, my dentist stood back with a perplexed look on her face, and said: "You have a very unconventional tooth."

The trouble is my rear, lower-left molar. It's suffered through years of grinding at night, throughout my restless sleep. It's undergoing 'external resorption', an autoimmune reaction whereby a traumatized tooth dies from the outside-in. Unfortunately, it's doomed, and in a week, they will remove it entirely, and start a very-expensive process over the rest of the year to replace it with an implant. The main reason it seems advisable to have something there is because the molar from above will grow down inexorably in the absence of the lower molar, and eventually rub against the lower gum. Anticipated cost is $6,600.00, plus change.

Now, the Novocaine is wearing off, and the chilly diet soda I just had hurts like the Dickens.

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