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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Apprehensive Over The New Neighbor

E.: MMMMMAAAAARRRRCCCC! He's in the yard again! He's old! His head is bent down!

M.: Front or back yard? He seems to be everywhere.

E.: Now he's sawing wood with a jigsaw! Do you hear it?

M.: Ummmm, no.

E.: You need to get your hearing checked. Anyway, last night, he was fixing bicycles. I was afraid to go outside! MMMMAAAAARRRRRCCCCC! Maybe he will chop our arms and legs off!

M.: Well, it's probably a good thing they now have a handyman next door. Goodness knows we all need help around here.

E.: It could be worse.

M.: We could have those guys again who were sleeping out back through cold winter nights in their car.


M.: Someone who likes to fix things is a plus.

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