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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Sordid Menendez Fairy Tale Is Falling Apart

No one wants to take possession of this story now. I'd LOVE to see the money trail! It's your modern, reptilian GOP at work!:
Martosko pointed to those quotes in the Miami Herald Monday as proof that the Daily Caller's story stands and said they verified their story when they initially ran it. Asked about the possibility that Figueroa, who is implicated in the affidavit, is lying, Martosko retorted, "Look, it's possible the sky is orange, that doesn't mean it's so."

A woman, Nexis de los Santos Santana, and a Dominican lawyer, Miguel Galván, said in an affidavit cited by the Washington Post that Figueroa had approached them about filming the video incriminating Menendez as part of a divorce proceeding and offered to pay them.

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