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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Shooting Tuesday Near McClatchy

OK, this worries me. McClatchy High School is within easy walking distance of my house:
A woman was shot at dinnertime Monday along a bustling section of eateries in Land Park, an apparent bystander in an argument that suddenly turned violent.

Blood pooled on the sidewalk where the unidentified woman was shot in the right thigh at about 6:40 p.m. between the McDonald's and Round Table Pizza restaurants on Freeport Boulevard near Fifth Avenue.

She was rushed to the UC Davis Medical Center where she was "alert, awake and giving statements" to officers, said Sacramento Police Sgt. Bill Wann. Her wound was not considered life-threatening.

Witnesses described a brief argument between a man in a silver sedan and a second man on the street in the minutes before the shooting. Police do not believe the woman was connected to the men involved in the altercation, according to Officer Michele Gigante, a police spokeswoman.

One witness, Michelle Thao, was sitting outside the McDonald's with friends just feet from the argument-turned-shooting.

"We were all just sitting, hanging out. (The driver) pulled into the driveway," Thao said, referring to the McDonald's entrance. Words were exchanged, she said, and then "they rolled down the passenger window, and that's when she got shot."

Witnesses say the man fled, driving north on Freeport. As of late Monday, police were still looking for the shooter and his passenger and were interviewing potential witnesses and reviewing businesses' security videos for possible clues.

The shooting occurred two blocks north of McClatchy High School on a commercial section of Freeport frequented by students and Land Park residents alike. Besides pizza parlors and carry-out restaurants, the stretch houses boutique establishments such as Freeport Bakery and Taylor's Market.

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