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Monday, March 04, 2013

No Solid News Yet Regarding My Cousin And Aunt

I got a call from my sister last night indicating my first cousin Ernie (aka Johnny) Aragon had passed away at the U.S. Veteran's Hospital in Albuquerque. In addition, when my cousins went to his mother's house (my father's elder sister, Senaida Aragon, who just turned 93 years of age), they found her unconscious. She is apparently now at Rust Presbyterian Hospital in Rio Rancho, and still uninformed about her son's death.

I've known Johnny virtually my entire life. It's weird - we are exactly the same age (56).

Ernie Aragon was popular in Bernalillo, and an occasional participant in Bernalillo, NM politics. The last reference I see is that he ran for a Town Council seat in March, 2004.

So, it looks like a New Mexico trip is imminent, but I have as yet no real details, so can't plan yet.

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