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Friday, March 01, 2013

Marc's Amazing Weight-Loss Program

My interim weight loss goal is 168 lbs. (because that was the minimum weight I achieved in 2005, the last time I tried to lose weight). Nevertheless, I haven't been able to get below about 182 lbs. since last October, mostly because I just wasn't that serious about the effort.

Until I got sick early in February. Nevertheless, I was able to hang onto 182 lbs. through "Urinetown" tech week.

Now, the weight is just flying off! I'm down to 174 lbs. this morning, and plummeting like a tourist-filled Egyptian hot air balloon afire! Eight pounds lost, and falling fast! WTF?

Illnesses end, though. The trick will be keeping it off. But I'm pleased, for the moment. At this rate, I'll hit my interim goal at the end of next week. As long as food keeps tasting rather repulsive, I'm in luck!

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