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Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Urinetown" Opens At DMTC

"Urinetown" is open! Audience reaction seemed very favorable. Here are some of the fabulous Bramlett photos of final dress rehearsal (just some of the photos that have me in them in some capacity).

I tell you, I have never gone into a show sicker and more disoriented. It was a massive struggle just to get through it. Not surprisingly, I was sometimes slow, and a beat behind the music: particularly "Cop Song", where I lost my place in the music after 'don't be like them' and basically thrashed around a lot, and "Run, Freedom, Run", where I was slow, and hit the floor after the dance along with most of the others, instead of remaining standing, as I was supposed to do.

I feel a bit better today. Maybe tonight won't be so bad.

I've been striving for a look of uncomprehending stupidity in the show, and based on the pictures, I seem to have succeeded.

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