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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Am I Losing My Enthusiasm For Aspartame?

I nearly became addicted to diet colas in the late 70's, but averred, because of the cyclamates controversy. But then, along came aspartame! I guzzled it, and loved it! By 1982, I was addicted to diet colas again: a love affair that saw me drink more diet cola daily than water; year in and year out, no matter the season or place.

I dunno, maybe it's the cold affecting me these last several weeks, or so, but it just doesn't seem to taste very good anymore. Sort of a bleh taste. Has the novelty finally worn off?

It's funny that I could drink it (with gusto!) for about (365 days * 31 years =) 11,315 days straight without noticing that it didn't taste very good (I've never been a particularly good observer).

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