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Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Wobbly "Urinetown" Weekend For Me

Dagnabit, I think I left my camera at the theater! So, the pictures I took will have to wait until I get that camera back!

My performances this weekend were shaky. I've been fighting this cold, and as the Big Opening Weekend approached, I weakened. Saturday night, in the opening number of "Urinetown", after getting off the floor and starting our walk across stage, my vision tunneled in and disappeared. I almost did a face plant, center stage. After blacking out momentarily, I awakened, and noticed that I had slowed down our single-file walk. I struggled forward to close the gap that had opened in the line, so everyone could get to their places in time.

I pulled it together and finished Saturday's show, but it was all unnerving. Of course, it's always possible that I have a cold AND some other problem too, but that's all I know, for now.

I felt lightheaded in Sunday's show, but I was basically OK, except for a moment of disorientation in the dark, which led me to fumble a set change in Act II. Interestingly, a bit of post-show hamburger has gone far in reducing the lightheadedness.

And now that Tech Week has ended, I can finally rest....

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