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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Weather Forecast Looking Brighter For New Mexico

Thank God for the ITCZ! What would we do without it? The source of the best desert Southwest water!

It looks like we're going to have a repeat of the recent storm system, with the only difference that instead of crossing Arizona it's forecast to pass through southern New Mexico, starting Tuesday evening, February 5th (at least, for now, that's what the forecast says - things can always change, of course).

If this forecast holds, New Mexico will get more precipitation than last time. Last time, precipitation falls were quite irregular. Some places got almost nothing, but it snowed for nearly 48 hours straight in the Jemez' Valles Caldera. This time, precipitation may be greater, and more widespread.

(The ITCZ is the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone, a strip of rising, humid equatorial air located just north of the Equator. It's very far away from New Mexico, but the state really, really needs it to prosper.)

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