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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Uh Oh. Diet Soda Linked To Depression

I drink diet soda in place of water. My brain is pickled in diet soda. What does this mean?

My guess is depressed people tend to drink diet soda. But, who knows?

My tears fall:
Does drinking a lot of diet soda make you depressed, or do depressed people drink a lot of diet soda? Or do depressed people drink a diet soda, feel terrible about the state of the world because that stuff tastes so disgusting, and then drink more diet soda? All we can say for sure is that a bunch of older people who drank a lot of diet soda in the mid-’90s are now dealing with depression. And when you put it like that — who wouldn’t be? Totally speculatively: These were probably people with Office Space-like jobs who now don’t even have those jobs anymore and had their 401ks tank during the recession.

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