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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Neighborhood News

For some unknown reason, Sassy the Chihuahua has disappeared in the yard two houses down the alley, and two new dogs have shown up. Both dogs act both frightened and suspicious.

And one dog barks. A lot.

Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.


I feel for the unhappy pooch, but he barks at me too.

The other neighborhood mystery is figuring out whether the nice couple next door is made up of two women (one very butch-looking), or a man and a woman. It's not entirely clear, and I'm not entirely sure how to bring the subject up in casual conversation.

The police roared down the street in hot pursuit of something last night. Afterwards, the air in the street was filled with the smell of hot metal. That's because 60 mph on my street is not very compatible with the speed bumps. It's not the smoothest ride.

And that's the latest from my neighborhood.


  1. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Shounds like it's time to get the chopper back up in the air for a little reconisence.

  2. I bought a second chopper, but so far it's been flying erratically. The repair kit is enroute for the first, which still flies, but erratically. Right now, I'm not sure if I have $1,000 worth of aerial junk, or a lasting pasttime. But I do have a little bit more video - just have to get around to editing and posting it. And there will be yet more.
