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Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Flew The AR Drone 2.0 Again Last Night

Even though its leg done broke, with a hacksaw blade as a splint, it still flies. Trouble is, the propeller-bearing leg rotates a bit, which makes it fairly-hard to control. It won't hover properly, but meanders around. It was zooming this way, and that way, and at the most inconvenient time, when the drone was flying towards the cemetery, Jetta called, occupying the iPhone and its drone control for a few panicky seconds.

I just placed an order for a "central cross" replacement, and some specialized tools.

This reminds me of when I was a kid, about ten years old. I shot at a bird with my BB gun, and just managed to hit it. I grazed its forehead with the BB. For the next week, the brain-damaged bird flew all around the house in a really-chaotic, guilt-inducing manner (until, one night, it had an accident during a thunderstorm, and perished).

This feels quite a bit like that.

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