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Friday, January 25, 2013

La Femme Panache

I think this is the group....

At first, I misunderstood Krystle Morales when she said she danced for a group in San Francisco. I thought she said "La Femme Pennage".

What is pennage? According to the French dictionary, as subsequently mangled by Google translation into English, it's a term from Ornithology:
Plumage of birds of prey is renewed at different ages. Hawk pennage second.
Adolescent hawk feathers? Doesn't make much sense.

What makes more sense is "La Femme Panache", which, according to mangled Google French means:
1.) bundle of feathers for ornamental headdress, or above a canopy, a hearse, etc.. Which overcomes something waving. Plume. 2.) Which is spectacular and brilliant. Have the plume love. 3.) Archit. Triangular surface part. the roof pendants. 4.) Make panache, says of him falling over the horse's head, a car hood, etc..
Which sounds closer. "La Femme Panache", a San Francisco burlesque group. Indeed, that looks like Krystle in the YouTube screen shot, just right of center.

Sounds like a trip to the City is in order.

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