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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Chris Christie Squeals About The GOP

I've told the story before, but it's time to repeat it.

I grew up in semi-rural Corrales, NM. Fences were fewer in those days, and dogs roamed more.

I remember when our next-door neighbors' dog went into 'heat', and all sorts of aggressive male dogs started appearing in the immediate neighborhood.

One morning, all three of another one of our neighbor's dogs crossed our yard on a mission: two Doberman Pinschers, and their little yippee dog sidekick. Suddenly the two Dobermans decided their little sidekick was a competitive nuisance. So, they turned on him. In a horrifying five-second spectacle of rage, they butchered their squealing cohabitant right in front of us kids.

Just like the little yippee dog, Chris Christie is squealing too. But as far as the GOP is concerned he's a competitive nuisance and must be eviscerated:

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