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Friday, January 11, 2013

California Paradise, Now That We've Kicked The GOP To The Curb

With 2/3 control over the legislature, Good finally triumphed over Evil, and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that over-concern about deficits was the biggest bunch of BS ever devised:
Gov. Jerry Brown declared Thursday that California's budget deficit has vanished thanks to new tax hikes and past spending cuts, marking the first time since the recession that state leaders haven't faced a deep fiscal chasm in January.

The Democratic governor proposed additional money for K-12 schools and higher education in his $97.7 billion general fund budget while restraining growth in most other programs.

"We have to live within the means we have, otherwise we get to that situation where we get red ink and then go back to cuts," Brown said. "So I want to avoid the boom and the bust, the borrow and the spend, where we make the promise and then we take it back."

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