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Friday, December 21, 2012

You Know What? I Blame The NRA

Americans are very, very, very good at shifting blame. It's become part of the national culture. No one ever takes responsibility for anything, ever.

Wayne LaPierre of the NRA blames the media for the Newtown massacre. He blames video games. He blames school administrators. Indeed, the NRA is as much a victim as the kids. The many decades of work that the NRA has engaged in to make it easy to get assault weaponry is unmentioned:
But I still didn’t expect to be as horrified by his ludicrous words as I was. I didn’t expect to be as chilled to the bone by his utterly inevitable suggestion that the solution to our national gun problem is more guns – nice and close to our kids.
You know what? I blame the NRA. I blame each and every member of the NRA personally for these murders. You can run, but you cannot hide, no matter how many weapons you own.

Vengeance is coming. The only honorable way out is for all NRA members to either resign, or commit suicide.

You know - take responsibility, for once.


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I get where you are coming from but you are laying it on a little thick. Sure the NRA should shoulder some of the responsibility but so should the Government for the lack of Mental health care. But mostly, unfortunatly most of the blame must rest on the mother of the shooter who should have never, ever let her mentally ill son have access to her firearms. We all paid the ultimate price on this one.

  2. Good points. Nevertheless, I hate the blame-shifting. When the NRA promotes the wider distribution of heavy weaponry it has to anticipate that some people will be careless; that some people will foolishly trust their teenage children, etc. The NRA bears the blame for that irresponsible promotion: not Hollywood, or video game makers, or poorly-funded mental health systems, or secular humanism, or modern life. The NRA. The NRA must shoulder its blame because it caused the problem. But they accept nothing. Even Charlie Manson accepted some responsibility for the deaths he caused. Still waiting for Wayne LaPierre and his gang to accept theirs.

    (Also important to note that, despite initial reports, we don't really have the final word on precisely how careless Nancy Lanza was, or wasn't. It wouldn't surprise me if her protection schemes were basically sound, but short-circuited by her son.)

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Well after Wayne Lapierre's lame speech I can certainly see where you are coming from.It was an inexcussable attempt to shift blame onto anybody but them. I am no fan of the NRA but I have to look at the conn school shooting in an unbiased view.

    (point taken on your last comment. Lanza although mentally ill, had a very high IQ very much like Kozenski(the unibomber)

  4. What is interesting is just how clueless the NRA seems to have become. They dismiss all criticism as just ignorant carping. Years of political domination seem to have made them deaf. It will be interesting if they ever return to reality.
