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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Marc & E.'s Excellent Shopping Adventure

Jetta forgot we were supposed to see 'Lincoln' tonight, so no movie there, but E. said she was bored and wanted to go to the mall instead. But first, she had to wait for Chris' goodnight call, which normally came shortly after 8 p.m. So, shortly before 9 p.m., off to Arden Fair Mall.

E. was bewildered when we arrived at the mall shortly after 9 p.m., and all the stores were closing and the people were leaving. "It's after Black Friday, the Official Start Of The Christmas Season," she proclaimed. "The stores should be open until eleven!" Alas, those hours don't start until next week, so E. was left bereft. I think she remembers the heyday of mall shopping, in the Eighties, when people still had enough money and compliant retailers accomodated their demanding shopping impulses. Ah, to be rich and living in the age of Reagan again!

So, off it was to Target. We bought a few items: a nighttime cap, sink mats, garbage can, etc.: no more than $40.00, total. We bought replacement light bulbs for the bathroom. E. did comparison shopping between two brands and had trouble deciding: I decided instantly based on the logos alone - none of it really mattered. Then, back to home.

But there was a temptation: Dimple Records, on Arden Way. I couldn't resist stopping. Didn't buy anything, and got back in the car. Then the car wouldn't start. Dagnabit, it was that sporadic starting problem again! I knew the car would eventually start on its own, but a wait of more than an hour would be required. How long? Didn't know. So, time to call AAA. Ended up getting towed back home.

And, in the morning, the car started. Like I knew it would....

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