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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Concerned About The Dizzy Spell Last Friday

Maybe a bit too concerned. In reaction, I started up the potassium supplements again, thinking maybe that was the source of the trouble. Was I having microstrokes, or something? I was having slight trouble pronouncing the word 'meteorological'. When did that start?

So, I went to the doctor today. He measured my blood pressure as being low: 110/71. That may be the first time in my life anyone ever measured by blood pressure as being below normal.

Maybe this is what 'normal' means. Other people get a bit dizzy when raising the head quickly, but to me that was a foreign sensation. And whoever said I was pronouncing 'meteorological' well anyway?

The doctor suggested cutting my dosage if problems persist.

[UPDATE: My potassium levels are apparently now 'normal'. First time in years!]

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