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Sunday, December 23, 2012

A Junie B. Jones Weekend

It's been fun! Two more shows to go.

Liked how, after the first Saturday performance, two little girls approached the light booth and thanked both Jenna and myself for being good directors of the show. We thanked them, graciously. I also liked how, after every audience member left the theater, how one boy lingered, and went to the top of the stairs, in order to burp as loud as he could.

I had one big sound mess-up at the very end of Saturday's second performance. Instead of hitting 'Advance' on the hand-held CD player controller, I hit the button right next to it: 'Info.' What that did was to change the CD player display so that it no longer showed elapsed time per track, and instead showed overall elapsed time. When the display showed I was 19 minutes into Track 19, I panicked, and played bits from several tracks, featuring many burps. It sounded like terrible Christmas indigestion.

Glitchy, this is....

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