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Monday, November 26, 2012

Wow! Noah's Ark Time In Sacramento!

I haven't seen a forecast like this in years!

Four storms, in quick succession. The opening storm, starting on Wednesday morning. Then three powerful storms - one each on Thursday morning, Friday evening, and Saturday evening.

Yes, we are going to wash away into the sea.

The Sacramento Bee calls it an 'atmospheric river':
The change is expected to Wednesday afternoon with what will amount to a "warmup" storm that should deliver 0.5 to about 1 inch.

That system, Van Cleave said, should be brief. By late Thursday, that "atmospheric river" will be headed to the area. The term - atmospheric river - tells the story: Van Cleave describes it as a "garden hose ... focused right in our area."

Forecast models show the Sacramento region "getting very wet with this into the weekend - in the neighborhood of 3 inches (of rain) or more for the Valley."

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