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Thursday, November 08, 2012

Turd Blossom Spins Like A Quasar

Karl Rove, the man in today's hot seat!

Daily Kos explains the various reasons why at least half of what Karl says is BS.

I was more impressed that Karl Rove tries to employ his classic, trademarked career maneuver, of using his opponent's greatest strength against him, but this time, in a new, clever sort-of reverse way.

For example, in the 2004 election, Rove accused war heroes John Kerry and Max Clelland of being suspect shirkers in their duty to the nation; perhaps even traitors. They're heroes! No, they're traitors! OMIGOD!

And now, the reverse move!

In the 2012 election, the GOP was doing all it could to suppress the vote. Here, Rove accuses Obama of suppressing the vote!

Reverse move (but it doesn't work as well as the original move)!

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