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Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Tree Is Finally Free

For awhile now, I've been anxiously eyeing a big branch that died on my oak tree about four or five years. It partly broke away from the tree about three years ago, but it still hung on. One day, I knew, that branch would come down, and maybe take out the power line suspended over my back yard.

Today, it did. It landed right on top of the power line, which leads from the transformer to my house, and remained hung there. The line sagged under the stress.

Last year, I learned through trial-and-error that that power line was insulated, so as long as the insulation remained intact, it was OK to touch it. The trouble with a heavy dead branch lying on top of it was that the insulation might get damaged, so it was important to act quickly, before the oncoming storm would cause more damage. So, I quickly grabbed a ladder and tried to free it.

It was awkward, but I finally freed the branch from the power line. Yay!

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