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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Step One Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

Because I was busy Sunday afternoon, I missed the grand celebration at Step One, but when I came in on Monday evening for Cardio Step class, I did look at their nice scrapbook.

What a strange atmosphere Monday evening! It was incongruous: a no-nonsense instructor barking orders at little kids as she played "We Need A Little Christmas", from the musical "Mame". Yes, must be time to rehearse a Christmas performance!

I am chagrined to learn that my Cardio Step class will be cancelled at the end of December. The virtue of that aerobics class is that it's hard work - full out, full-tilt, for an hour. The extreme effort is, by far, the most-important aspect of aerobics, and that class has it in abundance. For seven years I have worshipped at Step One's Cardio altar, because of that long-running class.

The Cardio class is likely to be replaced with Zumba. Hmmmppphhhh. More Zumba. The exercise dance that replaced everything and basically ate the world. Zumba is nice, but it's not full out, full-tilt, and so it's not an equal replacement. Pepper implied no regrets - it's basically a numbers game, as far as the studio is concerned. Attendance has dwindled in the Cardio class and they can't afford to ignore the Zumba onslaught. So, that's that.

I will have to rethink exercise strategies come January. Maybe I just step up my Zumba routine, and make it fierce. Alternatively, funk and hip-hop are still hanging on, so maybe that's the outlet.

I remember the old days, when people were fit and sensuous rather than fat and sinuous.

I hate change....

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