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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Newt Gingrich On Sean Hannity's Radio Show

More schadenfreude tonight, listening to a chastened and thoughtful Newt Gingrich wondering aloud where all these young people came from - the ones who are proud to announce to the world that they will NEVER vote for Republicans. It's bewildering! And their number is growing!

Republicans are too slow, Gingrich mused, and are easily maneuvered by the Democrats into unpopular positions. The controversy over Big Bird, for example. Mitt Romney never should have said he wanted to end Big Bird's employment. What he should have said that was he wanted to liberate Big Bird from government's heavy hand over there at PBS.

Sean Hannity laughed. What a clever and brilliant response! That Newt is sure a treasure!

Of course, it never dawned on either fellow that Big Bird is not just a beloved and iconic figure that is instantly recognized all over the world. Big Bird comes from the creative community of Sesame Street, a venture that could NEVER have survived the dog-eat-dog world of commercial television. Had it not been for PBS we'd never know Big Bird. And even today, Big Bird without his Sesame Street pals would be a pathetically lonely creature.

And nationwide, angry six-year-olds got the very first political experiences of their lives, by instantly-grasping what clearly escaped their foolish elders, and writing letters to whoever would listen in support of Big Bird.

Does it never occur to Republicans that no Democratic maneuvering is necessary to annihilate the GOP? All you have to do is report what the Republicans say in order to alienate another crucial batch of young people.

The GOP - chumps all!

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