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Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Failures At Arithmetic Need To Self Deport

Mitt, we'll be kind: you go back to Boston:
Dubya won 40% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. McCain won 31% in 2008. Romney won 21% in 2012. Do the math.
The Latino Effect was observable in many unexpected places:
The effect was at least as dramatic in swing states, most notably in Colorado, which Obama won on Tuesday. There Latinos went for the president by an astounding 87-10 margin, an edge not far from the near-monolithic support he received from African American voters. In Ohio, with a smaller but still significant Latino population, Obama won by an 82-17 margin.

“This poll makes clear what we’ve known for a long time: the Latino Giant is wide awake, cranky, and its taking names,” Eliseo Medina, Secretary-Treasurer of the SEIU, told reporters Wednesday on a conference call discussing the results.

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