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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Empire Of Mud

On Sunday, November 4th, I went to Pam's ballet class. On the way back, I stopped at the Dollar Tree, in the hope of catching a post-Halloween sale.

There was no sale, and my car wouldn't start.

It appeared to be the same problem as back in October, where I was forced to leave my car in the Safeway parking lot at 1:30 a.m. because it wouldn't start. I had to walk a mile home through a sketchy neighborhood. When I called AAA and returned the next day, the car started without a jump.

So, would that weirdness happen here too? Something odd is wrong with the car's electronics these days!

I decided to walk eleven blocks to Auto Zone, and buy a new battery. When I returned to the car, after carrying the new battery eleven burdensome blocks, the car started without a jump and without the new battery being installed. Like I knew it would!

I still haven't installed the new battery. By the time I do, it'll probably be discharged.

Today, at home, I finally had time to clean the gutters. Except that it was already raining. So, I worked all day on cleaning the gutters, despite the rain. Mud and grime. Plus, there are still a few carnivorous fleas left in the basement. Joy!

And this afternoon, the sewer line decided to stop functioning. This is the second time this year that vital pipeline has failed. Things must be deteriorating in the nether regions. Joe The Plumber's vehicle doesn't even run anymore - I haven't seen him in three weeks - so he may not be able to help. I'll probably have to get help from E. Joy!

Heck, there is no need to go to Russia to experience life as portrayed below. Just come on over to my house!

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