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Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Good Time To Review Why The Social Security Trust Fund Exists

And why conservatives have been, over the last decade, especially eager to privatize Social Security. If they manage to change the rules NOW, or within the next few years, it means they successfully thieved the lion's share of the money that was lent to them:
Starting in 1983, the payroll tax was deliberately set higher than it needed to be to cover payments to retirees. For the next 30 years, this extra money was sent to the Treasury, and this windfall allowed income tax rates to be lower than they otherwise would have been. For three decades, people who paid payroll taxes suffered from this arrangement, while people who paid income taxes benefited.

Now things have turned around. As the baby boomers have started to retire, payroll taxes are less than they need to be to cover payments to retirees. To make up this shortfall, the Treasury is paying back the money it got over the past 30 years, and this means that income taxes need to be higher than they otherwise would be. For the next few decades, people who pay payroll taxes will benefit from this arrangement, while people who pay income taxes will suffer.

...Long story short, for the past 30 years, the poor and the middle class overpaid and the rich benefited. For the next 30 years or so, the rich will overpay and the poor and the middle class will benefit.

...When wealthy pundits like Krauthammer claim that the trust fund is a fiction, they're trying to renege on a deal halfway through because they don't want to pay back the loans they got.


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Why do you fail to mention the number of folks who take from the system yet never paid in? Hmmm

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Marxist comes to mind, does that bother you comrade citizen?

  3. Comment 1: You can't claim anything from Social Security without paying into it in some way. Even the folks on SDI have, or have had, to contribute in some way. It's not welfare.

    Comment 2: No Marxist I! Instead, fierce foe of thieves, like conservatives and their ilk! If you want to kiss some billionaire's ass for chump change, it's your dignity and privilege, but I won't be there.
