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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Richard Mourdock Is The GOP's Anchor

Toss him in the deep, blue sea:
The national Republican freeze-out that greeted Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin after his “legitimate rape” comments in August will not be repeated in Indiana after GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said “when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen” on a debate stage Tuesday night.

Mourdock will go forward into the final days of the Senate race with Mitt Romney and national Republicans in his corner, despite Democratic outrage. When it comes to Mourdock, the GOP is (for the most part) all-in.

...Mitt Romney, who is currently starring in an ad running on Mourdock’s behalf statewide in Indiana, distanced himself from Mourdock’s line at the debate but stood by his full-throated endorsement.

“We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest but still support him,” a Romney spokesperson told the New York Observer.

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