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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Interesting Albuquerque Signs III

San Mateo & Gibson Blvd.

Cars with googly eyes make me uneasy!

"No Maze Parking"

No visit to New Mexico is complete without a visit to Blake's Hamburgers!

Intelligent life anyone?

A lonely yogurt container sits upright and intact in a parking space in a deserted parking lot. Someone was in such a hurry that they simply forgot it. Albuquerque folk need to slow down!

Um, OK....

"A Better Way Of Living"

The neighborhood along South Old Coors Road shows signs of having experienced a strong influx of people recently from Mexico.  These fence murals separate the eyesore of a junkyard from the neighborhood beyond.

"No Dumping - By Order Of The Governor"

So there!

I've posted this coyote warning sign before, but it's still great!

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