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Tuesday, September 04, 2012

No More Apologies

The instant a Democrat mutters the truth in this country, he's forced to apologize for it by senior Democrats and grovel to various media representatives. When Republicans shout falsehoods, only liberals ever call them on it. Media representatives cower in fear. It's a double standard, and it has to stop!

John Burton, we have your back!:
California Democratic chief John Burton made the remarks Monday in an interview with San Francisco station KCBS while in Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention.

Burton said the Republicans lie and don't care whether people know they lie and that, quote, "As long as you lie, Joseph Goebbels (GUR'-buhls), the big lie, you keep repeating it."

Goebbels was the chief of Nazi propaganda. Nazi leader Adolf Hitler believed the "big lie" had a greater chance of being believed.

Republicans immediately criticized Burton and called for an apology. Burton later issued a statement saying that he "humbly apologized" to anyone offended by his comparison.

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