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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

In The Car Repair Zone Today

Little stuff, but it adds up.

Slow leak in right rear tire leads to inspection of tires, which leads to noticing damaged front tire, which leads to purchase of two new tires. Since those tires date from 2009, maybe it's almost time for replacement.

Interestingly, because I sprung for tires, they reattached the front license plate assembly (damaged in last week's accident) for free.

Then, repairing driver's side rear-view mirror apparently requires a complete replacement, and not just replacing the bracket (I don't quite believe this, but since parts are often made in units it may be more-economical to do so).

And there's probably other stuff too. Small stuff, but it adds up.


  1. One feature common to all new and used cars is the need for occasional maintenance and repair. Besides the need to replace fluids and parts that wear down over time, nearly every model is susceptible to some sort of mechanical problem, some more significant than others. While professional car repair services can be expensive, there are many simple repairs that can be done at home with common tools and a bit of knowledge.

  2. There's a lot of software for auto repair out there. How can I find reliable info on available programs?
