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Saturday, September 01, 2012

Agonizing Blog Transition, So Far

Old site:  http://marcvaldez.blogspot.com

New site: http://marcvaldez.com

I'm pretty much in a state of disappointment and depression about the blog transition so far.  First, not all of the blog made the transition.  Much twiddling was required to finally get that done.  Second, the comments haven't successfully made the transition.  Getting that to finally work may take some time, and time is running out (just a month to go!)

I actually possess the comments, and I could upload all 5,000+ of them by hand, but I don't want to do that.  But I don't want to teach myself XML either, so I will continue to suffer in the trough of depression.

For the moment, I've removed the redirect from the old blog to the new blog.  The redirect itself often failed, ruining people's bookmarks and destroying my traffic.  So, for the moment, I have two blogs named 'Marc Valdez Weblog'.  Not sure what to do:  Cross-post?  Let one lie fallow?  Quien sabe?

When I told Jim, the computer tech, about the new site, and when he heard I had a top-level domain now, his reaction was "Ooooh!  A vanity site!"  And that's exactly what it is right now.  I wanted something that looked better for the "Breaking Bad" reference sites - something that would render well on all browsers - and dropped some serious coin, and all I have now to show for it is agony and depression.  I've also learned that Wordpress faces many of the same html difficulties that Blogger faces when rendering Web Pages.

So, here's to vanity!

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