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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Replacing The Pipe

I just thought this time lapse video was cool! It's from Christchurch, New Zealand, where massive infrastructure repair continues from the 2010-2012 series of earthquakes they suffered.

Work began on the $4 million pipe replacement project on June 16, 2011, with MacDow Fletcher as the lead SCIRTcontractor. March Construction was the subcontractor. Woodham Road officially re-opened on 14 May 2012 with the residents of the street present to mark the occasion.

Woodham Road was closed to traffic while the earthquake-damaged northern and southern confluence trunk wastewater pipe was replaced.

The project involved sheet piling and excavation of a substantial 130 metre long, six metre by six metre wide trench, the bypassing of the old trunk wastewater pipe which carried 40% of the city's wastewater volume with a 1.2 metre diameter temporary pipe, and lastly the replacement of the damaged trunk wastewater with a 1.8 metre diameter plastic pipe, the largest of its type to be used in New Zealand.

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