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Monday, August 20, 2012

Pity They are Fleeing

One of the hallmarks of the national GOP is a determination to ignore science, and anything related to it, that way being able to redefine reality to suit what it wants to believe. No where has that refusal to deal with obdurate reality been in starkest contrast than with biology. Alas, the GOP doesn't want to have a debate:
Todd Akin stands alone. Minutes after Akin vowed to remain the Republican nominee in the Missouri Senate race, the full infrastructure of his party abandoned him.

John Cornyn (R-TX), chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, called on Akin to “reconsider” staying in the race and then reportedly warned him that if he does stay in, he won’t have any financial help from the committee.

Around the same time, the super PAC founded by Karl Rove said it had abandoned the Senate race as well, leaving Akin without valuable air cover in his bid to unseat Sen. Claire McCaskill (D).

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