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Thursday, August 02, 2012

Let Them Eat Chicken

Usually business critters don't like controversy, because it can drive customers away, but with a heated issue, it can drive customers to you as well:
Seems like quite a few chicken-loving, same-sex marriage foes turned out for Wednesday's Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.

Based on reports from around the country, many Chick-fil-As had lines out the door come lunchtime. Attendees emphasized a mix of support for the company's stance against equal marriage rights and for what's being billed as an underlying free speech issue in the initial backlash against the fast food chain's officially outed politics. Mayors in a handful of cities, including Boston and Chicago, responded to president and COO Dan Cathy's recent remarks on his "Biblical" view of marriage by insinuating that the chain was not welcome within city limits.
Well, then, it's time to gird for battle. We are under no compulsion to eat their chicken.

And there's always the Colonel....

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