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Monday, August 06, 2012

Elton John Disses Madonna

What does this mean? They don't have strippers at the fairgrounds:
He tells music mogul Molly Meldrum on Australia's "Sunday Night" show, "Why is she such a nightmare? Sorry, her career is over. Her tour has been a disaster ... If Madonna had any common sense she would have made a record like 'Ray Of Light' and stayed away from the dance stuff and just been a great pop singer and make great pop records, which she does brilliantly. "But no, she had to go and prove ... she looks like a f------ fairground stripper. She's been so horrible to Gaga."
Well, Madonna has always been hard on other pop artists, and when they talk back (e.g., Mariah Carey), they get a world of grief. So, we'll continue to buy concert tickets like good little soldiers, and try to avoid getting on either Madonna's bad side, or Elton John's, or Lady Gaga's, or Mariah Carey's (a mathematical impossibility, actually).

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