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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Second Bike Ride To Discovery Park With Joe The Plumber

Joe is like a salmon when it comes to bike rides. We headed on a nearly-identical path as before to the archery area at Discovery Park.

The little train in Old Sacramento.

We passed through the K Street Mall and Downtown Plaza, to reach Old Sacramento.

At the water intake facility on the Sacramento River.

Once again, the water-lovers were out in force.

At Discovery Park itself, a group of archers were finishing a shooting session. Joe talked to everyone and anyone, riding out to the targets to grill an archer about his craft.

One of the people who Joe talked with was a fellow who came out of the bushes (and apparently lives there). He talked to Joe, but not to me. He said, "I wonder about the differences between the words 'paranoia' and 'suspicion'. These words come up a lot these days."

"That's a good point," I said. "They are similar concepts. For example: 'I'm paranoid about my suspicion'; 'I'm suspicious about my paranoia.'" Joe replied, "Now you're just babbling."

The departing archers took pity on the homeless - Joe, the guy from the bushes, and (apparently) me. They left watermelon slices and burger rolls for us to eat. I was hungry, and dug right in with the melon.

Back in Old Sacramento again.

Everyone turns out for the big gunfight!

The gunfight was staged as an 1850 battle between big landowners, who cited the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in order to assert their rights, and a group of newly-arrived squatters from the East.

Hurry to the gunfight!

Challenges hurled! Guns fired!

Innocent bystander struck!

The big landowners advance! They win!

A German family watched the pitched battle. All of the complicated citations of legal authority, in English of course, went right over the head of a six-year-old German girl. She heard yelling and gunfire, and felt the aggression. She started crying....

Chess available at Downtown Plaza.

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