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Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Nothing Catches Them By Surprise In Scotland

Last night, I got carried away watching videos on YouTube (plus actually doing some real work), and so didn't leave work (which is located in Midtown) until shortly after the ungodly hour of 3:30 a.m.

Just as I set the alarm and shut the back door, the entire block went dark. Power failure! In addition, the building's alarm failed to set. So, I was torn between the need to sleep and the idealistic necessity of bodily defending my place of employment to the death from the blood-sucking spectral zombies of Midtown. Sleep sounded like the better option.

So, I posted the news - where else? - on Facebook, and had the following exchange with Norma Jean, who once resided in Rancho Cordova:
N.: ‎"KCRA news just gave a heads-up for Downtown Sacramento dwellers - SMUD has to "re-set some kind of equipment" (??) So we may have a brief power outage in the very very lat night /early morning 9 I think they said around 3am"

M.: Wow! Aren't you, like, in Scotland? Better informed than me!

N.: I am in Scotland :) I got that from Martha Kight :)

M.: I swear, the two of you are like watchful spirits over us mortals. You know when stock prices will crash, when volcanoes will erupt, and you can sing too! I feel safe against zombies now!

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