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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Ned Roscoe Update II

This was sent by Ned's wife last week (who also encourages visits):
Well, we made our first visit to see Ned and it went splendidly.

Ned is looking tan and fit and has dropped a few pounds (which was needed!).

His positive attitude is remarkable, but I expected nothing less.

He is taking a horticulture class, a running/fitness class, learning how to play the bass guitar and the drums, finishing up the Great Course on calculus, and learning Mandarin (!).

He continues to maintain the bathrooms to a new level of cleanliness, which makes many people very happy, and, he is FOLLOWING ALL THE RULES.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Thanks for the updates. I wonder why John and Ned never filed for Bankruptcy? Seems like he would not be in prison if they had chosen this legal method for protection from creditors. They still may have lost much of their wealth but it would have avoided prison if they chose to file for bankruptcy before the decision to lie about inventory valuations.
