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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mystery Of The Undressing Homeless Guys

Facebook is fun, sometimes:
M.V.: OK, why were those 2 homeless guys undressing behind those dumpsters?

A.T.: It's laundry day?

A.S.: Better than in front of the dumpsters.

M.V.: I thought a train was coming, so I dodged down an unfamiliar alley. One fellow was handing the other his shirt. Maybe it is laundry day?

N.B.: Or maybe they were trading clothes?

M.F.: They were hot? Perhaps they were taking an "air bath" like Ben Franklin used to...

M.V.: On the return, I didn't go back through the alley, but dodged around a parking lot from where I could still observe. Saw one fellow standing there with his shopping cart. Seemed quiet. I suspect 'laundry day' was the correct explanation. But M.F.'s comment makes me laugh. Were they (Chippendale's) hot? Not. Even. Close.

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