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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Flood In The Basement

The intrusion of tree roots in the sewer line has become an annual event, usually in late spring.

The drought this winter seems to have delayed the annual event. The spring passed by without incident. There was a preliminary rumbling last week, but I caught it quickly, and it passed.

About 2 a.m. last night, while the washing machine was merrily draining its water and I was getting ready for bed, E. approached:
E.: (Sigh) I think we're going to have trouble with the sewer again.

M.: And why do you think that?

E.: Because the toilet was burbling.

M.: NNNNNNNNOOOOOOO! When that happens you have to stop the draining water RIGHT AWAY! It's going to be a disaster in the basement!
And, sure enough, it was a disaster. In the basement, the cap to the sewer line had popped off, and there was water everywhere. I mopped till 3 a.m. I likely lost some old, stored magazines in the mess, but the damage seems mostly-confined to the temporarily-stored belongings of Joe The Plumber, E.'s arch-enemy.

And so, soon I'll have to clear out that line again. It needs replacing, but who's got extra cash for a sewer line replacement?

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