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Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Today's Watchword Is "Overreaction"

These people are just overreacting:
Strange Giant Swarming Spiders Attack Villages in Northern India

It’s like the opening scene of a horror or science-fiction movie: swarms of giant hairy spiders are attacking villagers in a remote area of Northeastern India, and two people have already died.

Ecologists have so far been unable to identify the swarming thumb-sized arachnids, but believe they may be a new species of tarantula. So anti-venom hasn’t been supplied to victims yet, and that’s left locals to seek treatment from witch doctors, who maybe making things worse by cutting spider attack victims with razors for bloodletting. In fact, authorities aren’t yet sure whether the early deaths occurred because of the original attacks, or the extreme treatments.
Please. Tarantulas are nearly harmless. Do what they do in Cambodia: eat them. They make very tasty treats.

Overreaction is a meteorological theme too. When will the sea breeze arrive in Van Nuys? When will the sea breeze arrive in Van Nuys? That's what people wanted to know. When, when, when? Well, today it was very late. Some people didn't think it would arrive at all, and despaired. But I knew it would eventually get there, even if it was all battered by the time it arrived, which it finally did around 4 p.m. People just get too worked up.

Today's Election Day! Now that's something to get all worked up about! Onward, Scott Walker Recall! But whatever happens, just don't overreact. Remain copacetic. That's all.

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