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Friday, June 29, 2012

A Rare Pleasure

To watch FOX News last night, and just hear conservative brains popping.....

The Schadenfreude extends to Michelle Malkin's difficulties, and watching her lash out at the Obama Administration for ending up in a wildfire zone.

Remember, it takes years, and maladministration by all kinds of people of all ideologies, to set up firestorms. Laying blame on just the Obama Administration is hardly adequate - the Blame goes back decades; even a century, or more. She should shoulder some of the blame herself for her lifestyle choices: for choosing that particular Wildland/Urban Interface, a well-known hazard area, to make her home. And I hope she has, and has had, a bit of sympathy for Californians when their houses burn. Some people don't, you know. I also hope she supports the budget of the U.S. Forest Service, and their firefighting efforts, because there is some question whether she has the ideological flexibility to support that budget. House fires are terribly hard on children, and I hope she remembers that too.

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