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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Breaking Bad Filmed At Octopus Car Wash Today

E. from Albuquerque wrote today:
Hi Marc,

Today, June 6 2012 around 4pm, I drove past the Octopus car wash and noticed something looked different. And yes, I do cruise past there frequently hoping for signs of Breaking Bad and for the second time in about 2 years I was rewarded. I don't live too far from there so it's no bother. I confess I also drive past the White residence, which is not far from the car wash and Taco Sal which is just across the street.

The car wash had a sign out stating they were closed. There were some big trucks coming and going. Some Octopus car wash employees were standing out front and when customers drove up wanting to get a car wash the employees would go up to their cars, talk to them and then give something, a piece of paper. Didn't seem right, the car wash shouldn't be closed on a Wednesday afternoon, it wasn't raining, it never rains here. So I drove up to one of the employees and he told they were closed for filming and gave me a one dollar off coupon for my next car wash. I asked him if it was Breaking Bad that was filming there and he said yes. He told me I just missed the actors, Anna Gunn and Bryan Cranston, they had left around 3pm. Darn my rotten luck!! I would have loved to catch a glimpse of them. He said the actors spent some time sitting outside and were very friendly to the Octopus staff. He said the trucks were loading up electrical equipment and that some exterior shots at the car wash would be done at some other time but that the actors were done there and wouldn't be back, they would be filming somewhere else. I wish I knew where. He said he told the actors that there is an app for finding Breaking Bad filming locations and also a tour of the locations in Albuquerque. That's news to me. He told me he has a buddy that works for Q studios. I wish I could have talked to him longer but I had to leave because I was in the way of the big trucks.

Since Season 5 episode 1 airs July 15 it seems they should be just about done filming their 8 episodes. Are there any suppositions we can make regarding the Season 5 plot and the recent filming at Octopus?

Thanks for all the Breaking Bad info and pictures on your blogspot. I am so enthralled with Breaking Bad I have to rein myself in sometimes, don't wanna worry my friends too much.
I replied:
I wondered if something was up: I saw a Google search flit by today regarding filming at Menaul & Eubank, and thought maybe it was Breaking Bad.

If there is a Breaking Bad locations app and tour, this is the first I've heard of it. Has anyone else heard of this? I wonder if the person was just confused on this score. But both would be natural things to do, and i'm wondering if the clever folks at Q Studios have been busy.

The only information I've seen regarding Season 5 plot falls in the category of idle speculation. There are things I'd love to see happen, but that's one place they won't let me near!

You're not alone with your Breaking Bad obsession! I'm surprised how often polite conversation with strangers soon turns to Zafiro AƱejo, and similar dark matters.

Does anyone know anything? Inquiring minds gotta know!

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