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Wednesday, May 02, 2012

"The Three Stooges"

Went and saw "The Three Stooges" last night. Had a good time. These new Stooges are quite talented! And the difficulties of moving such a time-specific act from vaudeville into the modern age are handled quite well.

I thought the movie began to weaken when it began moving into the realm of Reality TV. To me, the Stooges always worked best in obscurity: crummy apartments, crowded alleys, and obscure street corners. Not for the bright stage lights!

Then, I remembered the original Stooges were also a bit addled by stage and screen. A few celebrities show up in the original shorts, but usually C-list celebrities that even folks in the 1940's had barely-heard of. The original Stooges would have been flattered to know that these new Stooges had snagged B-list celebrities like the cast from Jersey Shore. So, this particular weakness in the new movie was present in the original shorts too. No one can seem to get enough of celebrities!

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