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Friday, May 18, 2012

Standing Up For The Consumer

Sounds like a story from The Onion, but apparently not:
An unusually large man in Wisconsin called the police recently after an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant decided he’d had enough fried fish and cut him off at 20 pieces.

...After watching Wisth devour 12 individual pieces of fried fish on Friday, May 11, the management decided that was quite enough. They intervened, explaining the restaurant was running out of fish and simply could not allow him to stay any longer.

Giving him eight more pieces as a courtesy, for a total of 20, the restaurant’s management sent Wisth on his way in hopes that the costly episode was behind them. That hope, however, was severely misplaced.

According to reporter Annie Scholtz, Wisth left the restaurant incensed, then he called the police. He returned two days later with a protest sign, and the television cameras were soon to follow.

...Despite their prior generosity, Wisth said he still plans to picket the restaurant every Sunday until his demand for a truly endless supply of food is met.

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